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Game Pitch

Introduction to Evagore

"Evagor" immerses players in a richly woven narrative using an Arabian Nights-esque "story within a story" structure. This RPG blends puzzle-solving with adventure gameplay, where players manage an inventory to navigate through interconnected stories, making crucial decisions about which objects to carry, utilize, or discard. The choices made and the items used significantly influence the story's progression, offering a varied experience with each playthrough. Designed for PC and console play, this game targets an audience that appreciates deep, lore-driven narratives, particularly appealing to teenagers and young adults.

GamePlay Overview



Game The Stanly Parable




The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Stanley Parable and Alchemy-type games inspired the game's mechanics, along with the film The Grand Budapest Hotel. The complicated decision-based narrative progression of Stanley Parable gave inspiration for how the narrative system progresses, along with the direct influence of the frame-like story structure of The Grand Budapest Hotel. The combat system was heavily inspired by the mix and creation process of the Alchemy-type games.


Evagore is a PC/Console First Person Perspective RPG game, targeted toward Teens and Young Adults invested in rich lore.

Quest and Narrative Structure


The narrative structure of Evagore is a Frame-like structure, where there is a story within a story. The Game emphasizes storytelling as a core concept, and it is the player's goal to discover the truth and purpose of their journey through re-living the stories that are being told by the different characters. 

The Game starts with the Highlight of the epic adventure of Copan and Tarian (who later becomes the queen) to shun evil. Then As Copan and Tarian's adventure concludes, it transitions to Copan's view of telling the story about his adventure to his daughter Laila. However, Copan is tragically captured by his old friend Tarian and Laila goes on the quest of finding his father. The Scene then transitions to Laila explaining her situation and background story to Evagore, the wandering wizard. They then embark on a quest to save the kingdom and Copan but is captured and thrown in a cold dungeon by the queen. The player's journey was a ritual of the two wizards changing the past via storytelling and saving the kingdom. 

                                                                                  Story Structure Diagram

The quest and progression system will depend on how far the player has played through the segments of the story. Like many branching narrative game structures, There are certain decisions that change the outcome of the game entirely. Here, the player's actions and their choice of the artifact to keep change the resolution of their journey, giving the game replayability while encouraging the players to predict the use of the artifacts.

                                                                        Branching Narrative Quest Structure


Basic Movement: Use WASD for movement, and mouse for first-person perspective camera control.
Interaction: 'E' to interact and pick up items, 'Tab' to access and manage inventory.
Combat and Magic: Number keys for spells, left-click to cast, 'R' for combining spells.

Combat System

Players will experience varying combat styles as they switch between characters, each with unique abilities influenced by their inventory items.
Mana management is crucial, with regeneration over time and through specific items and environmental features.


                 Copan the Wizard's Gameplay Screen                                          Tarian the Knight's Gameplay Screen

Magic System

  • Basic Spells: Individual spells that vary depending on the playable character

    • Players have to press the key that the spell is bonded to and click LMB(Left Mouse Button) to confirm the casting​

    • Players can cancel casting by pressing the spell button again mid-casting

  • Combination Spells: Combining spells with the property of the artifact, requires additional mana and casting time.

    • Players press RMB(Right Mouse Button) instead of LMB to cast​

    • Players can cancel casting by pressing the spell button again mid-casting

Item and Inventory System


Items and the inventory system are what distinguish Evagor from other games. Items play a key role in the plot as the story would vary depending on the player’s choice. There are two types of Items

  • Consumable

    • Consumable items are like regular items that can replenish the player's health and mana or give them a temporary special effect

  • Artifacts

    • Only 3 artifacts can be carried at a time in the inventory, and by holding one artifact on hand (displayed on UI), players can use the artifact's properties to combine with their base abilities. ​

    • This was done to make the Artifacts become important as not only story items but also as a strategic choice for combat. 

Story and Setting

Set in a medieval fantasy kingdom named Auria, under siege by demonic forces, the story unfolds through multiple perspectives, each contributing to the overarching narrative about battling an ancient evil within the kingdom's castle. Players start as Copan the Wizard, joining forces with Tarian the Knight to confront the demon king, with the story expanding through their descendants and culminating in a multi-generational battle against darkness.

Commercial Viability

  1. Unique Narrative Structure: The game's "story within a story" approach, inspired by the Arabian Nights, sets it apart from conventional RPGs. This structure not only intrigues players but also provides multiple layers of engagement through its interconnected stories and character perspectives. The depth of the narrative can lead to higher player retention as they explore various outcomes based on different choices and item management.

  2. Cross-genre Appeal: By blending RPG elements with puzzles and a "choose your own adventure" style, "Evagor" appeals to a broad audience. Fans of RPGs, adventure games, and puzzle-solving titles will find aspects of the game engaging, broadening its market reach and appeal.

  3. Replayability: With choices that significantly affect story outcomes and available paths, "Evagor" offers high replay value. Players can discover new content in subsequent playthroughs, which is a strong selling point that can lead to sustained sales post-launch.

Comparable Products


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - This game is renowned for its deep narrative, extensive world-building, and RPG mechanics. Like "Evagor," it targets an adult audience with its mature themes and complex storylines. Players make choices that significantly impact the game's world and narrative outcomes, offering high replayability.

Life is Strange:  This episodic adventure game combines narrative choice with puzzle elements, much like "Evagor." It targets a similar demographic with its focus on storytelling and character development, appealing to players who appreciate emotional depth and consequential decisions.



Braid: Though primarily a puzzle platformer, Braid incorporates a unique narrative technique that unfolds through gameplay, similar to the narrative depth and integration in "Evagor." It appeals to players who enjoy cerebral challenges intertwined with storytelling.

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